Sunday, September 2, 2007

Turning Over a New Leaf

So... in declaring myself underway, upon closer inspection, I see that many items on this list are really about creating or re-establishing healthy habits.

47. Making a weekly menu and shopping list
50. Practice yoga every morning for a month
53. Practicing a centering prayer
71. Walk daily
72. Lose weight
84. Ride the exercise bike
85. Walk the outdoor trail once a month

Which ones should I work on first? Why all of these certainly deserve attention right away.

The yoga is easy to get started again. I am using the AM Yoga tape by Rodney Yee.

It's very gentle and geared for beginners and that is where I'm at right now. In the two years since I last did this morning ritual regularly I am astounded at how stiff I have become. If I let this decrepitude continue I'll become immoble in a few years. Yikes! I'm not ready to succumb to getting old yet. Wake up call to lumber up. Literally.

1 comment:

Satia said...

You already know I've been using this dvd for a while and love it. It is gentle and a lovely way to start the day.

BTW, at your recommendation, Rob and I hit the stores this week and we bought an exercise bike. We were going to do it all online but after what you said we went to the stores, found exactly what we wanted, and then there were complications but we should have the bike any day now.

In any event, yay you! Keep up the great start.