I've been terribly neglectful, haven't I? I haven't posted a thing since March, for heaven's sake!
Well, I've decided to return and try to catch myself up and re-evaluate my list which you can see at the left. Since I've almost at the half way point of my timeline, it's time for some serious rehab of my list. Some things got done,... some things are never going to get done, ... some things I've given up on, and some things I still think are worth my time to do. So, we'll see how it goes.
The photo above is just one of life's bumps that happened this past summer and slowed my progress. We had a major leak that necessitated the taking up of the kitchen floor, the dining room floor, pull out kitchen cabinets and half the wall was gone as you can see. It took about 6 weeks to get everything put back together again and the dining room is now the loom room, or the 2.5 studio room as I like to think of it
So, about this blog...I've got to prove to myself that I can stick with my goals (even as I re-assess every once in a while) and finish something I've set out to do. Where I've abandoned some things, there are other tasks or wishes that have taken their place. For now, I'm going to revitalize my efforts and be a better chronicler.